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Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports

We follow the Bell Fork Elementary Guidelines for Excellence:

  • Be responsible
  • Follow directions
  • Everyone deserves respect
  • Strive for excellence!

These guidelines are recited each and every morning and are expected to be followed in all areas of the school. Check out our behavior matrix below to see what each of these guidelines looks like in the classroom, hallway, cafeteria, and other places at Bell Fork! 

Our Behavior Matrix

Each classroom teacher has their own way of rewarding students on a daily basis, but we also have rewards schoolwide! Classes can receive Paw Prints from any adult on campus for showing excellence, and individual students receive High Fives for going above and beyond what is expected of them everyday. Classrooms are recognized for reaching 25, 50, 75, and 100 Paw Prints and beyond and are given a special reward by their classroom teachers. Students also are rewarded with special incentives as they earn more and more High Fives.